Tuesday, December 11, 2007

w3lcome to our blog

h3ii wazs up thiizs iizs katheriine nd ashley's blog you alreadii no how we do. Thiizs iizs goiing to be a long year wiith thiizs blog so we miight juzst wanna tell you more about uzs.

aSHL3y= Hii my iizs ashley ii am 14, ii go to school iin the hiightzs azs you can see my school iizs george washington hiigh school. ii am a fresh man iin buzsiinezs nd fiinance. ii love to go shopiing my favoriite store to go shopping iin iizs h&m thatzs the best store. next tiime iill say more but thatzs mah main thiing riight now.

kAth3riiN3= Hey People, my name is Katherine. i am 14 years old and a Freshman in Highschool. (GDubz) I live in the heightz and i Enjoy hanging with my friends at the mall, ECT. I go to the High school of International Buisness and Finance just like my partner Ashl3y. Well thats all for now people. PEACE.

we both love yah lOlzS lata. = ]


Chad Gleason said...

Please revise your first post using academic English.

Maximo.C and Laron.M said...

GleAson Lol Comment back

AnthonyV.&JoelG. said...

Hey like your page and the facts. bye

ASHl3y B. kAtH3riiN3 R. said...

kUlL = ]

Lilian Batista ans jeffrey rodriguez said...

like ur pictures my love!